Description Using a Xhosa boy as a pawn, a farmer teaches his puppy to be white man's best friend. Ten years later, both their lives hang in the balance at the mercy of the dog. 2003 Academy Awards (Oscar) - Best Short Film, Live Action - Nominee Directed by Steve Pasvolsky Writing credits (in alphabetical order) Steve Pasvolsky Cast (in credits order) Anele Vellom ...

A spontaneous dance segment Samantha Rebillet and Ilan Kidron during the SABA AW11 Photo Shoot. Sam and Ilan feature in this month's RUSSH Magazine as part of the SABA & RUSSH Collaboration. VIew the collection here:

A neo-rockabilly loses all cool. A young country girl stops to help. The attraction mounts, until false identity reveals itself. Directed by Samantha Rebillet Tropfest Australia 2003

2011 Commercial by Jeep Australia showing our history and our future with music by that top Aussie band "The Pot Bellies"

My first film, featuring Justin Martin, Julie Herbert and Tracey Mann. Shot by the delightful Russell Boyd and written by the exquisite Alex Billington...

Benny the loser performs one amazing feat after another but no-one sees a thing, to his enormous frustration. Directed by Darren Arbib & Steven Hirst Tropfest Australia 2005 Finalist